Meditation for beginners

I was thinking the other day that there are probably a lot of people who read my Blog, but do not meditate. And there may be some who do, but it is only once a week.
And then I thought about how many people may avoid meditation because they don’t know a proper way to get started or feel that they have failed in doing a good meditation in the past.

meditationSo the first thing I would like to share, is that meditation is easier than you might think and it is so very beneficial to you.
But I think proper meditation practice is the key to enjoying this time, and developing the discipline to do it every day.

First of all, one must understand that there is nothing to accomplish when you meditate. This is simply a time to settle your mind.
A friend once described meditation to me like this; Imagine a glass of water with some dirt stirred-up in it, you cannot see very well through the water because it is cloudy and muddy. Now, if you let the glass stand still for awhile the dirt will settle to the bottom and you can see clearly through the glass.
This is what meditation does for your mind. It lets things settle down so you can see clearly.

So now that we have covered the proper intention of meditation, let’s talk about the actual physical process.
Here then, are ten easy steps:

Step 1: Find a place in your home that is quite and comfortable. Choose a spot you will be comfortable coming back to every day.
Step 2: Get yourself some type of cushion to sit on. This can simply be a couple of pillows from your bed, or large throw pillow. Try to keep whatever you choose in that same room, so it’s easy to start your meditation every day.
Step 3: Now sit down on the cushion, and fold your legs comfortably in front of you. Comfort is key to this.
Step 4: Sit yourself in a good posture upright position with your back straight and hands folded gently in your lap.
Step 5: Gently close your eyes
Step 6: Now take several long deep breaths. Deep breath in, then gently exhale. Try counting to 5 on the inhale, then count to 5 on the exhale. This will start to settle you into your meditation.
Step 7: Let your breathing become natural and relaxed, try breathing from your diaphragm and not through your chest. (If you ever watch a baby breathing, you will notice this is naturally how our body should breathe. The belly rises and falls naturally.)
Step 8: Watch your breath. Feel the cooling sensation in your nose as you inhale, then observe the warmth of your breath as you exhale. Just observe your breath.
Step 9: You may notice that your mind quickly starts to have so many thoughts racing around. This is completely OK. Let each of these thoughts be a like a movie playing on a projection screen in your mind. Let each thought simply pass by, without attaching to it or adding any storyline. You are simply an observer now.
Step 10: Bring your attention back to your breath. Gently and lovingly, return your focus back to your breath.

And that’s it. It’s that easy!

And how long should you do this meditation for every day? My suggestion would be to start with a very short time period. Perhaps only 5 minutes to begin with.
As you practice every day, you will find that you want to meditate longer. You will become more connected with your body, and more comfortable in your meditation.
You will find yourself truly looking forward to this time each day. A time to settle those muddy waters, and simply be in this quite place.

I sincerely hope that some of you will try daily meditation if you do not already do so. You will soon begin to see the great benefits it has to offer, and the peace it will bring to every corner of your life.
And may you always be well, happy and peaceful.